Thursday, December 18, 2008

Special Delivery

Hey look what the UPS guy brought us today!


Friday, December 12, 2008

We Miss Daddy!

Micah is now 10 months old! Wow, he will be 1 soon. He is doing so many things - he is waving, clapping his hands, eating lots of finger foods (pretty much exclusively), exploring everything in the house, and taking those first few tentative steps. We are loving every minute with this little guy.

Mostly I am posting pics for TJ in Nicaragua because he is homesick. Enjoy...


Monday, December 1, 2008

Thanksgiving trip to Alabama

We had a great trip to Alabama to visit Jopy and Grammy (otherwise known as Gabby) for Thanksgiving. Micah got to meet his Uncle Matt, eat Thanksgiving dinner (his favorite was the stuffing), and drive in the car 13 hours each way. He did really well given the circumstances. He did great in the car which made the drive go faster. And he adjusted to the new place and new bed pretty darn well...after a few days of waking mommy up at 5:30am. It was a very nice trip and we're glad we were able to do it....but it'll be awhile before we decide to take another long roadtrip:)


Sunday, November 23, 2008

First Haircut

We didn't want to cut Micah's hair yet, but the mullet had to go.

We're also packing up for a cross-country journey this morning. When Micah wakes up from his morning nap, we head to Alabama. It should be about 12 hours of driving, it'll be interesting to see how he does and how many days it takes with him.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Happy Friday

Geez, a video yesterday and pics today...I am so on the ball!!!


Thursday, November 13, 2008

Micah gets ready for the Steeler Game

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Micah, TJ, and I enjoyed his first halloween! We carved pumpkins and Micah dressed up as a cute baby turtle. We didn't trick or treat this year but we enjoyed handing out candy and getting him all dressed up - although he didn't really like the part of the costume that went on his head as you will see...! Enjoy the photos!

- Kara

Monday, October 20, 2008

Pumpkin Patch and Stiller Game

Lots of fun this week. A visit by my grandparents, a trip to the pumpkin patch, my first Steelers game in a bar! I had lots of fun with MeeMee and Poppy this weekend and I'm glad they came to visit me. Enjoy my pics...

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Micah is 8 months old

Ok folks, here are some photos of the past few weeks. Thanks for waiting so, ahem, patiently. Wow, I could barely spit that out with a straight face! We've been having computer problems at home with both computers so you all better appreciate this update because it wasn't easy and naptime is a precious commodity around here.

Micah has been enjoying his new standing up skills and has thankfully learned how to get down (he falls back onto his bum into a sitting position). Frankly, that's the only time he is sitting because he never stops! I think another tooth is working it's way out now, a top tooth! We should see it any day now. Micah is doing well and continues to be the happiest kid on the planet. Enjoy the pics!!


Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Videos in September

Here are some recent clips from our camera....TJ is going to show me how to add from our video camera because we're trying to use that more now. But here are some quick clips I took of Micah this month. He likes looking in mirrors and he's now standing up all the time. He especially loves TJ's computer and remote controls! Enjoy!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Here comes trouble...

Micah is on the move and starting to move vertically now! He is pulling himself up and loves to stand, but then he gets kinda stuck there until he falls or is rescued by mommy or daddy. We lowered his crib all the way but he has been able to stand up in it, luckily he isn't doing that too often yet. As you can see from the slideshow, he's exploring the entire house now!

Alright Nicole, let's see some more pics of Anna and Ethan!!!


Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Grammy comes to visit and Micah is Baptized

Grammy was here for the past 2 weeks visiting. We had a great time - and what a great help with Micah. Grammy changed diapers, fed Micah, pushed him in his swing, bought him toys, and gave him baths. It's nice to have someone around during the day to help out and it makes the day more interesting too, cause let's face it - Micah isn't too good at holding a conversation yet:) But it won't be long til he's talking my ear off!

Micah's Baptism was on Sunday, August 31st, at our church. He did great and even entertained the crown with a few of his trademark smiles. Then later that day he participated in our Fantasy Football draft on his computer. He also had a fun time with Jopy who also came for the weekend. We also had lots of fun swimming in the pool, even got caught in the rain once.

Micah turned 7 months old today! How the time is flying. He doesn't ever stop moving - he is crawling everywhere and wants to explore everything. He is starting to pull himself up on laundry baskets and stairs. He is taking 2 naps a day - the morning one is about 2-2.5 hours and the afternoon nap is around 1.5 hours. He's going to bed around 7:30 to 8. He is eating lots of foods including pears, bananas, apricots, sweet potatoes, green beans, rice cereal, oatmeal, and some combos of different veggies and fruits. So far the only thing he didn't like is peas! And he loves feeding himself puffs! Basically this kid is nonstop while he's awake but he's sleeping great. He now sleeps through the night (for about a month now) and his parents can hardly remember the days when he didn't! It is so nice!!!

Enjoy the slideshow:

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Micah's Baptism

Hey all - Just wanted to let you know that Micah's baptism is scheduled for August 31st at our church. Grammy and possibly Jopy will be here for it and we'll be sure to take lots of pics for those who live so far away! At our church, the baptism is held during the normal service and is a time to welcome the child into the body of the church and introduce him to the congregation. We waited so long to do it because Micah was pretty unpredictable for the first few months, so we think this is a good age to have it done. The pastor is coming over next week to meet with us and spend a little time with Micah.

Grammy is driving right now and will be here tonight. And we're also excited that MeeMee and Poppy are going to come visit in October. Micah loves to have visitors :)


Friday, August 15, 2008

Micah feeds himself...

Well, only this one time cause he was a mess! He isn't quite old enough to feed himself yet but this one night he really wanted the bowl!

Also, he is a man on the move! We can't get him to sit still for long. He is all over the living room and is drawn to the fireplace and entertainment center - of course, the two places we don't want him to go.

Enjoy the pics!


Friday, August 8, 2008

Here is your Micah fix for the weekend

Micah is getting very mobile! He will crawl/inchworm style over to the basket and pull himself up onto it. No, he didn't climb into the basket on his own, that was mommy's doing and as she was taking a picture, he fell out....oops! Enjoy!!


Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Sending from my new phone

Lets see if this works...

More awesome....

More awesome news, after 3 nights of weaning (i.e. crying) Micah off night feedings, last night he slept thru the night with no crying from 9pm til 7am. Yippee!!!!


Monday, August 4, 2008

Micah Is Awesome

Micah is now working his way up onto all 4's. If you are thinking about visiting, you should do it soon!


6 Months Old

Micah turned 6 months old yesterday - hard to believe he's already halfway to 1 year! He weighed in at 16.2 lbs (25th%) and is 27 inches tall (74th%). He is now eating rice cereal, apples, bananas, pears, squash, oatmeal, sweet potatoes, and carrots. He did not like peas, but we'll try green beans soon. He's wearing size 6-9 months and moved up to Stage 2 foods (as soon as we're out of Stage 1 in the pantry at least). He's taking 2-3 naps a day, ranging from 45 min to 2 hours. Mommy likes the long naps so Micah wakes up rested and she gets some stuff done. He is starting to roll and creep like an inchworm....crawling is on the horizon. His new word is boooof, like a puff of air. He is an awesome kid!

Friday, July 25, 2008

Back from vacation and Welcome Ethan Joseph!

We are back in Austin after a week of traveling to Lake Tahoe, Cupertino, and San Francisco. In Cupertino, we got to stay with Reena and Jeff for several days. It was so nice to have a nice place to stay there and to catch up with them. I am sad they moved away from Austin! Then we headed out to Lake Tahoe (although we stayed in Carson City, NV) for TJ's 100 mile race. Micah and I got to see him at 25, 50, and 100 miles at the finish line. Micah did really good considering we spent so much time driving in the car and up in the mountains changing elevation so much! He was a good traveler...although he made sure to tell us when he wasn't happy. After the successful completion of the race, we headed over for a night in San Francisco. We stayed in Japantown and the Hotel Kabuki. We were able to meet up with a few of TJ's college friends that night for some Peruvian food and then hit Lombard Street and Fisherman's Wharf for some sightseeing and bread bowls on Tuesday. Then we headed back to Reena's in Cupertino for another day before heading home. She showed us around the Google campus - we were quite impressed. Then Micah actually slept some on the flight home, I guess we wore him out with this vacation! Overall we had a wonderful trip and got to do so much in just one week. Enjoy the slideshow!!!

And on another note, we are very happy to welcome our nephew into the world! Nicole gave birth to Ethan Joseph yesterday! He is a healthy 8lbs8oz. Micah is happy to have a 2nd cousin!!! Congrats to the Capobres family!!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Heading off on vacation today...

We're heading out of town to the crazy state of California. We'll be going to San Jose, Lake Tahoe, and San Francisco. TJ will be running 100 miles, and we'll be visiting 2 old friends (Reena and Duggan) along the way. Wish us luck in our travels and in TJ's racing! Here's one last photo to get you by while we're gone:

(P.S. If you can't tell, Micah loves his swing!!!!)

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Micah loves sweet potatoes

Here is a video of our little guy eating some sweet potatoes....yummy....

Friday, July 11, 2008

5 months old!

Micah turned 5 months old last time flies. Almost halfway to his first birthday! He is now eating rice cereal, sweet potatoes, and pears, in addition to milk. He seems to be teething because he drools a lot and everything goes in his mouth! He is such a happy baby...except when he gets put down for a nap in his crib. He lets you know his displeasure about that! He is rolling over both ways now, and can even make some progress towards a goal (like TJ's computer) by squirming and inching his way over. He is still getting up about 2 times a night...I guess he just can't get enough of seeing his mommy! Micah weighs about 15.5 pounds and we're hoping he doubles his birth weight soon!

We're heading to California (Lake Tahoe and San Francisco) next week for vacation and TJ's race. I hope Micah enjoys traveling!

One last thing, Micah wanted me to tell his aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents that he loves them all and hopes they will come visit him soon!!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Weeks 20 and part of 21

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Micah and Mommy visit Kentucky

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

2 Sets of 4 Generations

I found a picture of my 4 generations picture from when I (Kara) was a baby at Grammy and Papa's house this weekend. I thought it was pretty cool since now we have one with Micah and 4 generations. So who thinks Micah looks like me as a baby??

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Week 18

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The Laugh-fest

This kid cracks us up....did we mention yet how in love with him we are??

Drumroll please......

The long awaited video of Micah's first 360 roll! Sorry this took so long - this video is about a month old. TJ showed me how to post videos on YouTube so we're all set now. I will also add a newer one hopefully today.


A video (this is actually from the end of April)

Here is a video of Micah and TJ talking in the morning - note that Micah is actually doing what TJ says:)

Monday, June 9, 2008

Week 17 give or take...

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Micah is 4 months old!

Yesterday Micah turned 4 months old! Today we took him to the doctor. He weighed 14lbs, 3 ounces (40th percentile - although I think it's a little low because I didn't have time to feed him after his nap and before the appointment...), height is 25.5 inches (90th percentile....luckily he seems to have TJ's height genes), and his head circumference was 41.7cm (40th percentile). Doctor says he looks great and is somewhat advanced to be rolling over so much! Sadly, he had to live through 4 vaccine shots before we left there. He is napping now but the effects are supposed to show in about another 5 hours....great...

He is a very smiley happy boy most of the time. He stopped sleeping in his swaddle this past weekend and last night he broke free from the sleep positioner. So we took out his crib bumper pad also and now it's just a baby in a crib. Of course since he loves to roll over so much, I mostly find him sleeping on his tummy now. The dr said that it was okay now and really there isn't much we can do about it - other than constantly running up there to flip him onto his back. We'll put him down on his back and let him stay on his tummy if he rolls there. We're also putting him down and letting him fall asleep on his own, which usually involves a little crying but he's usually asleep within 10 or 15 minutes, so it's making the put to bed routine a little easier on us (other than listening to the crying!).

We're probably going to start him on some rice cereal at 5 months and just continue breastfeeding exclusively until then. The doctor also suggested getting him comfortable with a cup of a small amount of water while he's still in the stage of putting everything in his mouth.

That's the update from today!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Weeks 15 and 16

Another milestone last night - Micah slept from 8pm until 5:30am! TJ and I went up there at 5:15 to check on him once we realized what time it was. He is turning into a good nighttime sleeper. He likes it up there in his room:)

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Micah's Professional Picture Sessions

Now that we got a scanner, you all can check out Micah's 1,2, and 3 month portraits...

1 month:

2 months:

3 months:

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Weeks 13 and 14....and Micah rolls over!

Micah rolled over for the first time (13.5 weeks) from back to tummy and TJ actually caught him on video rolling back over from tummy to back - a 360! We'll add the video soon, but here are some pics from weeks 13 and 14!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Watching the Penguins Game with Jim and Jillian

We took Micah down to Jim's house to watch the Pens game last weekend. Here are some good shots Jillian took...
Jim and Micah
Micah Jayden Thompson

Friday, May 9, 2008

Hiking at Walnut Creek

We took Micah on his first hike in the Baby Bjorn last weekend - it was a beautiful day and we all enjoyed it!

Monday, May 5, 2008

Just enjoying his 13th week

Sunday, April 27, 2008

I'm 12 week old today

Sunday, April 20, 2008

My ninth, tenth, and eleventh weeks

My seventh and eighth weeks

At his 2 month checkup, Micah weighed in at 12 pounds (60th percentile) and was 22.5 inches (50th percentile). His head grew to the 40th percentile (from the 25th at 2 weeks)! Unfortunately, he had lots of shots that made him scream his head off! It was hard for his mommy to watch. Luckily he doesn't have to go back now until 4 months. No more concerns about him not gaining weight so that's good. He's a very happy kid!!!

Happy Micah

Micah just being happy...

My sixth week

Micah smiling

Micah smiling at 6 weeks old...

Micah in the mirror

Admiring himself in the mirror...

My fifth week

My fourth week

My third week

My second week

We went in for Micah's 2 week checkup - he weighed 8lbs 8.5 ounces (45%), was 21 inches tall (50%), and his head was in the 25th%. Not too bad, but we need to work on him gaining weight! We're going back in a week to check on his weight gain since he's not back to birth weight yet.

My first week

My days of firsts

Trip home from the hospital

Video from hospital - 3 days old

Micah's Birthday

Micah Jayden Thompson
Born February 3, 2008 4:14pm
8lbs, 13oz
20 1/2 in

Before Birth