Sunday, October 31, 2010

We're back!

Ok yes, it has been awhile. Sorry to my loyal fans :) But my pictures have been held hostage by my camera since the computer was broken. I am back! Just trying to sort through our many many summer pics. In the meantime, it's Halloween and the kids loved it, well, at least Micah did. And TJ and I had fun too. Stella is just a little young still to get much out if it but she did look adorable as Cinderella. And of course Micah was our handsome fireman. Micah enjoyed trick or treating this year. We went around the neighborhood with our neighborhood friends. He kept wanting to open up his candy and eat it. After every house, he asked me to open the piece of candy he just got! Thank goodness for the house that gave out fruit snacks! Enjoy the slideshow!!