Thursday, June 26, 2008

Micah and Mommy visit Kentucky

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

2 Sets of 4 Generations

I found a picture of my 4 generations picture from when I (Kara) was a baby at Grammy and Papa's house this weekend. I thought it was pretty cool since now we have one with Micah and 4 generations. So who thinks Micah looks like me as a baby??

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Week 18

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The Laugh-fest

This kid cracks us up....did we mention yet how in love with him we are??

Drumroll please......

The long awaited video of Micah's first 360 roll! Sorry this took so long - this video is about a month old. TJ showed me how to post videos on YouTube so we're all set now. I will also add a newer one hopefully today.


A video (this is actually from the end of April)

Here is a video of Micah and TJ talking in the morning - note that Micah is actually doing what TJ says:)

Monday, June 9, 2008

Week 17 give or take...

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Micah is 4 months old!

Yesterday Micah turned 4 months old! Today we took him to the doctor. He weighed 14lbs, 3 ounces (40th percentile - although I think it's a little low because I didn't have time to feed him after his nap and before the appointment...), height is 25.5 inches (90th percentile....luckily he seems to have TJ's height genes), and his head circumference was 41.7cm (40th percentile). Doctor says he looks great and is somewhat advanced to be rolling over so much! Sadly, he had to live through 4 vaccine shots before we left there. He is napping now but the effects are supposed to show in about another 5 hours....great...

He is a very smiley happy boy most of the time. He stopped sleeping in his swaddle this past weekend and last night he broke free from the sleep positioner. So we took out his crib bumper pad also and now it's just a baby in a crib. Of course since he loves to roll over so much, I mostly find him sleeping on his tummy now. The dr said that it was okay now and really there isn't much we can do about it - other than constantly running up there to flip him onto his back. We'll put him down on his back and let him stay on his tummy if he rolls there. We're also putting him down and letting him fall asleep on his own, which usually involves a little crying but he's usually asleep within 10 or 15 minutes, so it's making the put to bed routine a little easier on us (other than listening to the crying!).

We're probably going to start him on some rice cereal at 5 months and just continue breastfeeding exclusively until then. The doctor also suggested getting him comfortable with a cup of a small amount of water while he's still in the stage of putting everything in his mouth.

That's the update from today!