Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Valentine's Day

Here are a few pics from Valentine's Day this year...these two would not sit still, they were climbing all over the couch.

And just for fun this is them last year!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Christmas 2010

Ok ok I know this should have been posted before birthdays, but I didn't get these photos uploaded til today. So whatever. We had two awesome Christmas celebrations this year. The kids had a blast opening presents and we loved the time with our families.

On another note, Stella hugged Micah tonight on her own. It was too cute.

Christmas pics:

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Stella turns 1 and Micah turns 3

Wow, these kids are growing up fast. I can't believe Stella is already 1. She is walking now and starting to say a few words - da (for dog), mama, more, and no :) It's so cute to see her using words instead of just pointing. Micah is still a crazy fun little boy. Here are some pics from their birthdays and birthday party. Enjoy!