Thursday, July 22, 2010

Potty Training

We started potty training Micah yesterday. He did great. He went in the potty every 30 minutes all morning. Then stayed dry for his nap! After that he had his first accident. He held it for so long and then we put on underpants right away without using the potty. My bad. And then only one more accident that evening. He does not at all seem interested in poo in the potty, saves that for diaper time still (as in last night and this morning in his crib). That will be the next major step....along with leaving the house. I've been staying home since we started to give him time to get used to this. I think I need to get a 2nd potty for the car as a just in case. So far today he is doing good too. Only went a couple times this morning but he used the potty both times. I think he gets it but I am also prompting him about every 2 minutes, so we'll see if he can remember on his own when I stop asking. I feel like he's such a big boy now! It will be nice to only have 1 kid in diapers again though. I imagine he'll be in diapers awhile at night still but soon we'll move him into a toddler bed too. He is just growing up so fast!!