Friday, January 30, 2009

Almost 1 Year Old

Here is Micah's newest skill:

I will add a walking video soon too - he's been walking all over the house this month!

And here are some photos from January:

Micah's 1st birthday is on Tuesday. Wow!


Sunday, January 4, 2009

Christmas 2008

We had a wonderful Christmas this year - Micah's 1st Christmas. Meemee, Poppy, Aunt Becky, and Aunt Laura all came down to see us in Texas for the week. We ate a lot, enjoyed a few games of Trivial Pursuit, watched some bowl games, went out to watch UFC...but mostly Micah was the main attraction.

Micah is now 11 months old. 1 more month til he turns 1. Wow. What a big year it's been. It's been great. He is now taking several steps at a time and building a little more confidence with the walking. Won't be long til he's running around the house and I can't keep up with him! We got a good video of the walking last night so we'll get that on here soon.

Be sure to see the monkey in the post below. We're on fire today with blogging!

Monkeys love bananas....and so does Micah

We decided to give Micah a half a banana today to see what would happen. Here is a clip from TJ's new Crackberry:

Spoiler alert: Yes, he does finish the whole thing but he took too long so we had to stop filming it!