Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Videos in September

Here are some recent clips from our camera....TJ is going to show me how to add from our video camera because we're trying to use that more now. But here are some quick clips I took of Micah this month. He likes looking in mirrors and he's now standing up all the time. He especially loves TJ's computer and remote controls! Enjoy!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Here comes trouble...

Micah is on the move and starting to move vertically now! He is pulling himself up and loves to stand, but then he gets kinda stuck there until he falls or is rescued by mommy or daddy. We lowered his crib all the way but he has been able to stand up in it, luckily he isn't doing that too often yet. As you can see from the slideshow, he's exploring the entire house now!

Alright Nicole, let's see some more pics of Anna and Ethan!!!


Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Grammy comes to visit and Micah is Baptized

Grammy was here for the past 2 weeks visiting. We had a great time - and what a great help with Micah. Grammy changed diapers, fed Micah, pushed him in his swing, bought him toys, and gave him baths. It's nice to have someone around during the day to help out and it makes the day more interesting too, cause let's face it - Micah isn't too good at holding a conversation yet:) But it won't be long til he's talking my ear off!

Micah's Baptism was on Sunday, August 31st, at our church. He did great and even entertained the crown with a few of his trademark smiles. Then later that day he participated in our Fantasy Football draft on his computer. He also had a fun time with Jopy who also came for the weekend. We also had lots of fun swimming in the pool, even got caught in the rain once.

Micah turned 7 months old today! How the time is flying. He doesn't ever stop moving - he is crawling everywhere and wants to explore everything. He is starting to pull himself up on laundry baskets and stairs. He is taking 2 naps a day - the morning one is about 2-2.5 hours and the afternoon nap is around 1.5 hours. He's going to bed around 7:30 to 8. He is eating lots of foods including pears, bananas, apricots, sweet potatoes, green beans, rice cereal, oatmeal, and some combos of different veggies and fruits. So far the only thing he didn't like is peas! And he loves feeding himself puffs! Basically this kid is nonstop while he's awake but he's sleeping great. He now sleeps through the night (for about a month now) and his parents can hardly remember the days when he didn't! It is so nice!!!

Enjoy the slideshow: